CHORES: Mom wakes me up about 7AM. Then I get dressed, eat breakfast and do my chores (ugh.)
CREDITS: By 8AM I start the desk part of school. Before I start my favorite subject (science) I get my credits that I earned the day before and divide them up in my jars. I always put 10% into retirement, 10% into charity, 10% into college, 20% for savings and 50% for spending! I got a lot of extra credits for doing Sudoko puzzles while I was in Alaska, so now I'm saving for a new computer game.
CHEMISTRY: I like school so far because we get to start off with science, well more specifically, chemistry. So far I just finished Chapter 1 about atoms, elements and how to read the periodic table and the formula for figuring out how many neutrons an element has. You have to take the atomic weight of an element, then subtract the number of protons it has and that gives you the amount of neutrons. I have the formula on a note card because if I don't do it every day I start to forget.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Next, I did my Language Arts/Science Connection. I've been studying core parts of words like 'tom'... atom, diatom, anatomy, epitome, tonsilectomy... it's pretty fun. The other part is on a computer program and I love it. It's hilarious... just my kind of humor. I've done the section under Vocabulary Skills: synonyms, antonyms, prefixes and suffixes... so far I've been getting As and Bs.
WRITING: Today I had an easy assignment. It was on relationships between ideas... Like under Animals - I could put cat, dog, goat, chicken, vulture...
MATH: Mom forgot to take pictures of this, but I'm doing Saxon Math... starting on lesson 62 and I did a bunch of times problems with multiple factors like: $4.53 x 4 = ___. I also learned the technical names exponent, squared and cubed even though I did problems like this last year. I have to do a timed test when I get to the gym later today.
I GET A BREAK... It's only 10AM and I'm half way done! Yeah!!!
READING: My mom LOVES this time. She always makes a snack and tea. I get to light a candle and if it's cold outside, sometimes we'll build a fire in the fireplace. Then we both snuggle up and read our own books silently for 20 minutes. Then we'll talk about my book and sometimes I'll answer a question in my Writer's Journal. The part I like is after that. Mom reads aloud to me for 1/2 an hour and we do predictions and talk about how the characters change and things like that.
SPANISH: I have everything memorized from last week. I can sign a song for numbers 1-20 and my mom can ask me any question we've gone over, like, "Hi, how are you?" (and answers bien, asi-asi & mal) "What's your name?" My name is..." "Where are you from?" "I'm from..." and "Nice to meet you". This is all pretty easy since my mom has been teaching me a little Spanish my whole life. We usually practice in the car.
HISTORY: My mom always reads a story out of our book, Story of the World. We just reviewed the fall of Rome and how they tried to save Rome by dividing into two parts, having 2 emperors and 2 caesars. We drew on the map the whole area around the Meditteranean Sea where the Romans had control until the 'Barbarians' finally destroyed their power. Mom asks me questions afterward, then I have a quiz. If it's a really interesting story, we'll do a project to go along with it. We do these projects with my friends Josh and Jacob.
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We finished all of this by 11:45AM... I'm going to do this the rest of the year. Then I'll have so much more time to do field trips and all the other stuff I like to do, like taking Art class, Geology Club, Singing Lessons, playing with homeschool friends AND still have time to play with my friends from public school and play football in the afternoons. I love my life.
GOLD's GYM: Today was my first full work-out at Gold's Gym with my mom. I was going to work out with her until I got too tired, then go sit at a table and do homework while she finished. HOWEVER, I stayed with her the whole time doing cardio, weights and stretching... I even did extra jump roping. We were there for 1.5 hours and it was a blast!
CHOCOLATE NECESSITIES: Every Monday is a 'Mom and Me' day. Since a lot of the time I spend with my mom is work, we said that we'd do something fun at least every Monday. So... no play date today, BUT... we got to go to Chocolate Necessities for free chocolate samples, a tour of the factory and then we got to buy some chocolate.
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